El Oued University concludes the academic season with distinction and honors its outstanding students

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El Oued University concludes the academic season with distinction and honors its outstanding students

With cognitive and scientific distinction, today, June 24, 2024, the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar concluded the academic season 2023-2024 with a special celebration marked by the participation of the civil and security public authorities and the revolutionary family, led by the governor of the state and the vice president of the state popular council, and the presence of the university’s frameworks, including deputies, deans, administrators, workers, the director of university services, and the director of the Higher School of Agriculture. Desert College, in addition to outstanding students and their parents.
In his welcoming speech to the guests, the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, congratulated the outstanding students. He also expressed his sincere thanks to the Governor, the local authorities, and our state’s institutions for their continued support and efforts. The Director gave a presentation supported by numbers about the important achievements achieved by the University of the El Oued during this academic year, as the number of students this year exceeded 26,000 students, including 8,800 new students, and the number of graduates for this season reached 6,000 students, pointing to what distinguished the university this year, which is the transition to teaching in the English language, as He estimated the number of professors at 117 professors teaching in the English language, while referring to the scientific training of the southern universities, as it was chosen as the first station at the level of our university and the embodiment of the strategy and objectives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. In addition, the university registered at the postgraduate level 613 LMD doctoral students and 48 science students.
The university director also touched on the professors who were promoted to the rank of professor of higher education, who numbered 41 professors and 20 lecturers, pointing to many agreements concluded, namely four twinning agreements, the last of which was with the Libyan University of Sirte, through which the Algerian-Tunisian border universities are expanded to five Libyan universities. As an embodiment of the strategy and objectives set by the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, to move towards relations with neighboring countries within the framework of international cooperation and exchange between universities, where at the university level, student and professor delegations were received, similar to Uzbekistan, and its students and professors benefited from a training program for the Arabic and French languages, and agreements with... The European Union countries reached 27 agreements that enabled our university students to undertake scientific visits, similar to Latvia and others. Some professors also benefited from some internships within the framework of the Erasmus Mobility programme. The director added that the university registered 217 patents, the first at the national level, and also benefited from projects affecting the university’s structures to benefit. And projects within the framework of the Prima project, and the involvement of a significant number of professors, numbering 1,127 professors, including 217 new ones, in research projects, 285 research projects in which a number of professors participate, and 4 national projects in the field of (energy security - food security and citizen health).
The university season was also marked by a visit by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Kamal Badari, and the Minister of Knowledge Economy, Emerging Institutions and Micro-enterprises, who informed them of several projects and their inauguration, including the House of Artificial Intelligence at the University of the El Oued, in addition to the visit of the Minister of Communication, Professor Mohamed Laqab, and his selection to host our university, the important event represented by the forum.” The Algerian press and journalists during the colonial era.” The university’s first official confirmed that there are several promising projects in the coming season related to doctoral and master’s projects, among others.
The ceremony was distinguished by a rich program and the presentation of a video tape about the top students in their batches for the bachelor’s and master’s levels, and a brief video of the university’s activities during this season. It included a presentation of a poem for beloved Palestine by student Abdel Moneim Amer, a video presentation of the late Professor Hariz Bakkar Al-Orabi, the result of his efforts made for the university, and the recitation of Al-Fatihah as a tribute to the deceased. The soul of the deceased.
The ceremony witnessed honoring the top achievers in their bachelor’s and master’s classes, including those with high determination, in the presence of their guardians. The student “Bin Omar Elham,” who ranked second as the best doctoral student, was also honored, and the student “Hamdi Ali Muhammad Muhammad,” an outstanding doctoral student, was honored with the Scientific Creativity Award, and the student “Abdel Moneim.” Amer received the Mr. President of the Republic’s award for young innovators, Ali Maashi, for poetry. By the way, the governor of the state, the security and judicial authorities, and the revolutionary family were honored before the governor of the state announced the conclusion of the university season. In his speech, he thanked the university director, the university family, and the students for their excellence, their achievements, and their spirit of responsibility.

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