The House of Artificial Intelligence at El Oued University organizes a scientific symposium on using artificial intelligence to serve emerging institutions

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The House of Artificial Intelligence at Al Wadi University organizes a scientific symposium on the use of artificial intelligence to serve emerging institutions

Today, March 4, 2024, the House of Artificial Intelligence, in coordination with the Business Incubator at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, organized a scientific symposium entitled “Employing Artificial Intelligence in the Service of Emerging Enterprises” in the Grand Lecture Hall, Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah, for the benefit of students, entrepreneurs and professors interested in using artificial intelligence in order to use and employ artificial intelligence in activities. Research and economic.
The symposium was attended by the university’s deputy rector for pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai, and for external relations, Dr. Muhammad Fouad Farhat, the official of the House of Artificial Intelligence, Professor Lawaid Abdel Qader, and the dean of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Professor Ibrahim Rahmani.
The symposium was also attended by Professor Wissam Stetieh, CEO of the Manchester Academy of Innovation and Technology, Professor Abdelaziz Qirat, Director of the Business Incubator at Guelma University, experts via distance lecturing technology, professors and students.
The Vice Chancellor for Pedagogy opened the symposium, welcoming the attendees and giving a comprehensive overview of the symposium and the importance of using artificial intelligence in promoting or serving emerging institutions.
He also presented the Vice Chancellor of the University in charge of external relations and business incubator.
A speech in which he pointed out the importance of employing artificial intelligence to serve emerging enterprises, which has a significant impact in accelerating their growth and enhancing their effectiveness and serving business incubators through analysis and forecasting, which in turn enables artificial intelligence to analyze large amounts of data and transform it into valuable information for the benefit of project owners.
The Director of the Artificial Intelligence House also gave a speech, pointing out the great importance of the rich symposium in view of the increasing importance of technology and its uses in all fields.
The symposium included several interventions, the first intervention entitled Initial Principles for Using Artificial Intelligence in Emerging Institutions by Professor Obaid Muhammad Nazir.
The second intervention was entitled Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Projects by Professor Abdelkader Laouid.
This was followed by the third intervention entitled Integrating Technology into Business Management, A Journey from Challenges to Success by Professor Aqoun Abdel Hay.
The fourth intervention was entitled “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the BMC Business Model” by Professor Abdul Aziz Qirat.
Professor Wissam Estitieh gave an intervention entitled Entrepreneurship and Emerging Technology.

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