Call for nominations for the “Jean Cenac” scholarship program from the French Embassy in Algeria

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Call for nominations for the “Jean Cenac” scholarship program from the French Embassy in Algeria



I am pleased to inform you that the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has received a call for nominations from the French Embassy in Algeria, which informed us that the French Institute in Algeria has launched a call for nominations for the “Jean Cenac” scholarship program.

The French Institute will award 6 scholarships to Algerian doctoral students enrolled in the first and second year of their doctorate at an Algerian university. Winners will receive 18 months of joint-supervision PhD mobility scholarships and 12 months of joint-supervision scholarships spread over 36 months, in the following areas:

  • Teaching French language;
  • French and Francophone literature;
  • Language Science

The call for nominations is open to Algerian students starting from Sunday, May 5 to June 23, 2024 at 23:59 (Algeria time).

A detailed description of this program is attached in the Appendix.

Candidate selection process

Candidates will be selected based on an electronic file sent to the following address:

Before June 23, 2024

The nomination file must contain all of the following documents:

  • A CV of no more than two pages;
  • Nomination form (download), fully completed in Excel format;
  • A description of the research project not exceeding two pages;
  • A letter of support from the dissertation supervisor in Algeria;
  • A letter from a French professor qualified to supervise research. This letter must be signed by the director of the laboratory associated with the thesis, certifying that the candidate can be received in co-supervision/co-supervision of the thesis in a French laboratory


bourse Jean SENAC

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