Training course for trainers of entrepreneurship development centers at Wadi University

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Training course for trainers of entrepreneurship development centers at Wadi University

In accordance with the instructions of the National Coordinating Committee for Monitoring Innovation and University Entrepreneurship and the recommendations of the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, the University Interfaces Center of El Oued University, in coordination with the National Agency for the Support and Development of Entrepreneurship (NESDA), launched today, February 6, 2024, a training course for trainers for the Entrepreneurship Development Center at El Oued University and the Higher School of Desert Agriculture in El Oued. The training course was attended by Mr. Fawzi Madkour, Director of the National Agency, the training professors and trainees. The training will continue on February 6/7, 2024. Dr. Ammarah Muhammad Youssef, Head of the Entrepreneurship Development Center at El Oued University, and Professor Ibrahim Messa, Head of the Entrepreneurship Development Center at the Higher School of Desert Agriculture, provided training for trainers on the most important topics on which university students, entrepreneurs, project holders and those wishing to implement their projects and obtain support from the accompanying bodies will be trained. The trainers also explained the practical and legal steps in coordination with the agency and the stages of implementing and launching projects.


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