Al Wadi University students participate in the Republican Guard's media days

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Al Wadi University students participate in the Republican Guard's media days

Under the supervision of the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, today, April 23, 2024, students of the University of El Oued participated in the media days on the Republican Guard at the Mohammed Al-Amin Al-Amoudi Cultural Center.
The students of Al Wadi University toured the organized exhibition, which included workshops representing the various specialties of the Republican Guard, including military music, cavalry, protection and special intervention. It also included a photo exhibition and spaces for watching documentaries that reflect the various tasks and activities, as well as the opportunities available to young people wishing to join and enlist in the ranks of the Republican Guard.
The media days, organized by the Republican Guard Command, are part of the implementation of the communication plan for the year 2023/2024, approved by the Lieutenant General, Chief of Staff of the National People's Army, which will enable the public, especially students and young people, to get to know the Republican Guard and learn more about its various missions, areas of work and means, while valuing the ties between the army and its nation and emphasizing the spirit of belonging and the effectiveness of our military institution, to preserve the honorable image of the National People's Army, descendant of the Liberation Army, by highlighting its achievements at the level of the Republican Guard and to strengthen the Republican Guard's communication with young people and students. It is also worth noting that this communication event is an opportunity to open up to the general public and get closer to different social groups.

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