The university director holds a preparatory meeting for moving to the fourth generation university

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The university director holds a preparatory meeting for moving to the fourth generation university

Today, Tuesday, May 28, 2024, the Rector of the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, accompanied by the official of the university’s fourth generation project follow-up committee, the director of the House of Artificial Intelligence, Professor Laouid Abdelkader, supervised a preparatory meeting regarding the launch of work on the university’s project to move to fourth generation universities, in the presence of the deputy directors of pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai, for scientific research, Professor Arhouma Farhat, for development and foresight, Professor Ammar Al-Zoubi, for external relations, Dr. Muhammad Fouad Farhat, the Secretary-General of the University, the deans of technical colleges, technology, exact sciences, the director of the medical attaché, professors, researchers, specialists, and network representatives.
The Director opened the meeting, noting the importance of choosing the University of the El Oued as a model with national universities. He added that the Fourth Generation Project is a new model for university education that focuses on meeting the needs of learners and focusing on lifelong learning and continuous training, and with it, our universities provide opportunities for learning and research development, including training programs. And flexible specializations, leading to the integration between academic education and practical skills by linking curricula and professional requirements, to better prepare students for professional life.
The Director explained that the University of the El Oued seeks, through this project, to use advanced technologies in teaching and learning, such as e-learning, and encourage research and innovative projects. This is what the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research seeks, and which the university is working on to achieve all the basic points and all procedures to move to the ranks of universities. The fourth generation, to transmit the floor to Professor Lawaid Abdel Qader, responsible for the follow-up committee, to give a general vision as a starting point for the digital project with regard to the three technical colleges, interfaces on the equipment side, sustainable development, smart technologies, configuration, networks, and other requirements. Dr. Al-Abyad Shuaib also gave a presentation on the equipment and techniques for optimal visualization of the fourth generation.
The Director opened the door for dialogue for the attendees, enriching the proposals, following up on the process, reviewing all the procedures, and providing all the possibilities for the success of this project within concrete, practical steps and for distinguished entry into fourth generation universities.

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