The University President holds a periodic meeting on the visibility and classification of Al Wadi University

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The University President holds a periodic meeting on the visibility and classification of Al Wadi University

Today, May 21, 2024, the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised a periodic and coordination meeting regarding the classification and visibility of the university, accompanied by the Visibility and Classification Committee, headed by the Vice-Director of the University for Foresight, Professor Ammar Al-Zaabi.
The University President opened the meeting, stressing the importance of working towards upgrading the visibility and classification of the University of El Oued, thanking all members of the committee for their activity and continuous support for developing the visibility and classification of the university, emphasizing that Algerian universities are progressing in terms of international classifications.
To refer the floor to the Chairman of the Committee, Professor Ammar Al-Zoubi, who explained the general policies adopted by the Committee in order to upgrade the classification and visibility of the University and the most important stages and points on which the Committee relies in its activity.
Dr. Shaimaa Manaei presented a presentation on the policies and sustainable development plan for the international classification of Wadi University. She presented the most important main lines that the university is working on in the field of sustainable development and the extent of the interaction of this work in order to upgrade and classify the university in the future.
Dr. Melody Mounir and Dr. Samia Darbal presented the proposed strategies to achieve the sustainable development goals at El Oued University, which are embodied in 17 goals that the university is working to achieve to be in line with the efforts of the sustainable development project.
Student Ali Saadoun also gave a presentation on the Absar Club for Sustainable Development, which was recently established at the University of El Oued in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar. The President of the Absar Club introduced the club’s goals and its most important activities serving sustainable development, and presented proposals to enhance the clubs’ activities in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
The project of the website for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) was also presented by Engineer Faisal Hema, who in turn provided a comprehensive analysis of the website and comprehensive explanations of all the details and particulars it contains regarding the Sustainable Development Goals.
The university president also enriched the topic with a number of clarifications and ordered the initiation of all necessary procedures, which were discussed and expanded to be presented to the university directorates and colleges, deputies and deans.
The head of the Visual Committee presented a report regarding the launch of the Excellence Award for Wadi University and gave explanations and clarifications regarding the award in terms of its definition, conditions, details and criteria.
Dr. Bashir Bin Sagheer also gave a presentation on the follow-up of Google Scholar accounts at the level of Al Wadi University and the progress of this follow-up.
Mr. Samir Kadiri, the university’s network manager, gave a presentation on the progress and development of the university’s website at the local and international levels.
Professor Zuhair Tayr, Coordinator of the Visualization and Classification Committee, spoke about a number of important points related to developing the visualization and classification of the university in its various technical and research aspects.
At the end of the meeting, the Director thanked all members of the visual and classification committees and the entire university family who work as a team with continuous, ongoing and distinguished efforts for the sake of our university’s research and scientific performance and its distinction locally and internationally.


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