The Director of Al Wadi University inspects the pedagogical facilities, examines the fourth generation halls, and inaugurates the scientific laboratories

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     The Director of Al Wadi University inspects the pedagogical facilities, examines the fourth generation halls, and inaugurates the scientific laboratories


Today, Monday, September 23, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, accompanied by his Vice President for Scientific Research, the Secretary General of the University, the Deans and the executives of the University of El Oued, made an inspection visit to the pedagogical facilities of the faculties and departments.

The University President and the accompanying delegation were briefed on the progress of the fourth generation halls in the colleges and the College of Technology and the readiness of the pedagogical facilities for the start of lessons and directed work tomorrow, Tuesday, September 24. He also inaugurated the new scientific laboratories in the College of Law and Political Science, which aim to enhance scientific research and provide an advanced educational environment for students. This step comes within the framework of improving the quality of education and meeting the needs of students in various disciplines.

During the visit, the university president stressed the importance of the fourth generation halls, which rely on modern technologies to enhance interaction between students and professors. He also pointed out the role of scientific laboratories in developing students’ practical skills, which contributes to preparing them for the labor market.

He added that the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, with its distinction, always seeks to provide the best educational conditions, including updating facilities and providing them with modern devices and equipment. He also called on students and professors to make the most of these new facilities, and participated in discussions with faculty members on research and scientific issues.

The Director also stressed the University’s commitment to promoting scientific research and providing an innovative educational environment, which contributes to raising the level of higher education and distinguishing our university internationally.






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