The Director of the University of El Oued concludes the sporting competition activities

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The Director of the University of El Oued concludes the sporting competition activities

This evening, Tuesday, April 30, 2024, as part of the celebrations of International Workers' Day, an official celebration was organized under the supervision of the National Federation of Higher Education Professors, the branch of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar in El Oued.
The celebration included an awards ceremony for the winners of several individual and scientific sports competitions. The celebration took place on the sidelines of the final football match between the Central Administration and the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences teams, which won the cup. The university director, Professor Omar Farhati, attended, along with the Vice President of the Wilaya People's Assembly, Dr. Fares Belbasi, and the President of the National Federation of Higher Education and Scientific Research Professor Kadiri Abdelkrim, along with the office members, the course coordinator, Professor Shawqi Kaddra, and a group of the university family.
The University President gave the signal to start the final interview and distribute the awards, accompanied by his administrative staff and the Social Services Committee, as well as a number of guests of honor. The activity was widely appreciated by many followers and participants, who expressed their satisfaction with the presence of these neighborhood activities that support the course of pedagogical activities. There were hopes for the meeting to be renewed in the coming seasons. Everyone is happy to pray that every year the workers of our institution are well and giving.

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