The Director of the University of El Oued participates in the International Forum of the Russian Napier Gen Chelny University

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The Director of the University of El Oued participates in the International Forum of the Russian Napier Gen Chelny University

The Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, participated in the international forum organized by the Russian University of Napier-Jenni-Chelyny. The activities of the International Open Forum for Education held on May 16, 2024 in Russia witnessed international participation and thirteen Russian institutions. Its activities were held at the State Drama Theater of Iyad Gilyazov. The forum is considered an important scientific event initiated by the State University of Napier-Jenni-Chelyny with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
The Director of the University of El Oued, Professor Omar Farhati, and Dr. Mounir Miloudi, presented a presentation on the Algerian university’s experience in the pedagogical and research fields, which was published in the Napier University Journal, which attracted the attention of attendees and participants from all bodies.
The Rector of El Oued University, accompanied by the Algerian delegation, had a working session with the local authorities of the city of Chelny, in the presence of the Head of the Office of External Relations and International Projects of the Center for International Cooperation of the Russian Ministry of Education, Elena Averkova, during the consultative meeting held in the Chelny Municipal Administration. They were received by the Chairman of the Executive Committee, Mr. Farid Salahov, and the Head of the Education Department, Mr. Rustam Khozin. Representatives of the city administration presented an overview of the city's industrial development and the field of education. The Rector of the Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, Ms. Alvinor Glyak-Perova, presented to the Rector of the University and the accompanying delegation a presentation on the activities of the Open Education Center in the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria.
During his various interventions, the University Director expressed the depth of the historical relations between Algeria and Russia and presented a comprehensive picture of the University and the mechanisms for implementing the twinning agreement, which was manifested in the inauguration of three centers for teaching the Russian language by the Russian side, as well as the move to establish a center for learning the Arabic language in Russia, as well as mutual benefit from successful experiences in the pedagogical field, as well as expanding relations to the various fields of mobility for students and professors.
At the end of the forum, the University of El Oued was honored, represented by the University Director, for his work in promoting and embodying effective twinning agreements in the research and pedagogical aspects, and from there to the entire university family. A number of participating universities were also honored.

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