The Director of Al Wadi University holds an evaluation meeting on the classification and visibility of the university

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The Director of Al Wadi University holds an evaluation meeting on the classification and visibility of the university

Today, Wednesday, January 31, 2024, Professor Omar Farhati, Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, supervised an evaluation meeting on the university’s classification and visibility.
The meeting was attended by the university vice-presidents, deans of colleges, head of the network department, members of the local committee to follow up on the university classification, visual and expert professors.
The University President opened the meeting by emphasizing the importance of classification and visibility in raising the level of the university to the ranks of international universities, pointing out the importance of evaluating the level of classification and visibility of Wadi University and studying the strengths to continue with them and the weaknesses to address and improve them.
Professor Tayr Zuhair gave a presentation on the international classification of universities and the scientific standards adopted in this regard, the impact classification, the data placement table, the strategy for improving visibility, and the exploitation of freelance platforms for social media platforms. Professor Tayr Zuhair also gave a presentation on behalf of Dr. Abdul Qader Hima, Head of Social Services at the University, on the Scientific Excellence Award, which is an initiative to encourage researchers at the University.
Dr. Abdul Qader Laouid also presented the latest developments in the QS ranking and the progress of the achievement rate at the university and college levels.
Dr. Abdullah Raqiq gave a presentation on the university’s visual identity and the mechanisms for implementing it within the new strategy to upgrade the university’s visual identity.
The meeting witnessed extensive discussions and several proposals were put forward to improve classification and visibility.

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