The Director of Al Wadi University holds an evaluation meeting for the 2023/2024 academic year

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The Director of Al Wadi University holds an evaluation meeting for the 2023/2024 academic year

Today, July 8, 2024, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised an evaluation meeting for the 2023/2024 academic year in the Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah Grand Lecture Hall. In the company of his deputies for pedagogy and scientific research, external relations, development and foresight, the Secretary-General of the University, deans of faculties, sub-directors, the governor of the central library, vice-deans, secretaries-general of faculties, heads of departments and the network manager. The meeting dealt with the agenda, which included a number of important points: - Evaluation of the current academic year. - Presentations by the vice-rectors of the university with the deans of faculties about their faculties and sectors, the person in charge of training in the first and second levels and certificates, Professor Bashir Manai, the person in charge of training in the third level and scientific research, Professor Rahuma Farhat, the person in charge of external relations, Dr. Mohamed Fouad Farhat, and the person in charge of development and foresight, Professor Al-Zaabi Amar. - Presentation of the university business incubator - Presentation by the Secretary-General of the University, Dr. Shawqi Madallal, with the Secretaries-General of the faculties on general administration. - Preparing for the next university entrance according to reform projects, including digitization, English, and the fourth generation university. In his opening speech, the University President welcomed the attendees and presented the outlined agenda, noting the importance of evaluating the current university season to benefit from it in order to better prepare the next pedagogical season and ensure its smooth running and raise its pedagogical, organizational, research and scientific level. He gave the floor to his deputy in charge of training in the first and second stages and certificates, Professor Bashir Manai, to give a detailed presentation with figures on the reality of the pedagogical season 2023-2024. During the discussions, the deans of the faculties and their deputies gave presentations on the progress of the pedagogical season. The Director also gave the floor to the Vice-Directors for Scientific Research, External Relations, Development and Foresight, and the Secretary-General of the University to present their presentations. After that, the university director opened the floor for discussion, during which the topics were discussed in an enriching manner, suggestions were recorded, instructions were given after detailed and precise presentations, all details were discussed, and all results were presented. The university director thanked all the university family, including professors, students, employees, workers, and all the team working on the success of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar and its cognitive and scientific advancement, which this year achieved a success rate for its students exceeding . The distinction of the University of El Oued this season included all scientific, research, pedagogical fields, and various university activities, wishing all the university family a happy holiday and a successful return.

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