The Director of El Oued University holds a coordination meeting with the university executives

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The Director of El Oued University holds a coordination meeting with the university executives

Today, February 20, 2024, Professor Omar Farhati, Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar Beloued, chaired a coordination meeting in the conference hall of the Faculty of Economics, Business and Management Sciences. The meeting was attended by his deputies in charge of pedagogy, scientific research, external relations, development and foresight, deans of faculties, vice deans, the university secretary general, the director of the medical annex, secretaries general and network officials.
The meeting included an agenda that discussed several topics:
1- Evaluation of the start of the second semester.
2- Preparing doctoral projects for the academic year 2023/2024
3- Presenting the outcome of the sessions to the Secretary-General of the University with the Secretaries-General of the colleges regarding the distribution of employees in the administrative departments.
4- Miscellaneous.
In his opening speech, the University President stressed the importance of assessing the various concerns related to pedagogical affairs, especially with regard to the start of the second semester and all the new procedures sent by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the importance of respecting the smallest details related to the pedagogical calendar and discipline and addressing the recorded irregularities, as mentioned in the doctoral competition projects, the progress system and digitization, and opening the floor to Professor Bashir Manaï, who addressed everything related to the pedagogical aspect and the established calendar and referred to a number of points in addition to digitization, timing, handling of appeals and disciplinary councils in colleges.
The Vice-Directors for Scientific Research, External Relations, Development and Foresight, and the Secretary-General of the University also gave presentations on the agenda items.
To open the discussion for the deans, their deputies, and the secretaries-general and evaluate all points.

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