The Director of the University of the Valley opens a discussion of joint graduation notes, a start-up institution certificate/patent

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The Director of the University of the Valley opens a discussion of joint graduation notes, a start-up institution certificate/patent

On Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at the Business Incubator of the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar, joint graduation memorandums were discussed within the framework of the ministerial decision regarding a start-up institution certificate/patent under the framework of Ministerial Resolution No. 1275 of September 27, 2022 under the framework of Circular No. 001 of May 18, 2023.
The discussions were held by committees composed of professors from the colleges of technology, natural and life sciences, and exact sciences, and professors representing the university business incubator, the Technology and Innovation Support Center, and the economic partner.
After the opening of the discussions by the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, who thanked the efforts and excellence of all the professors and students, their interaction with the training products, the requirements of the labor market, and the leadership of their future projects, and this is what the university and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research embody through them, and we appreciated the scientific and research efforts of the Director of the Incubator and the joint scientific committees.
The students also reviewed their distinguished research and presented several important recommendations.
The discussion concluded with the committees congratulating the students on their distinguished efforts and awarding the students a full mark with distinction.

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