The Director of Al Wadi University inaugurates the pedagogical laboratories of the Faculty of Technology

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The Director of Al Wadi University inaugurates the pedagogical laboratories of the Faculty of Technology

Today, February 26, 2024, Mr. Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar El Oued, Professor Omar Farhati, inaugurated the pedagogical laboratories of the Faculty of Technology, accompanied by Mr. Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Ali Shamsa, and in the presence of the Vice-Rectors of the University for Pedagogy, Development and Foresight, the Deans of the Faculty of Exact Sciences, Law and Political Science, faculty members, students of the faculty, secretaries-general of the faculties and university executives.
The University President announced the entry into service of specialized pedagogical laboratories, including a communications laboratory, a civil engineering laboratory, and an irrigation laboratory, for the benefit of the first and second year students of the college. In his speech, the University President considered this achievement to be a general development of the technical equipment it contains, aiming to enhance the learning and training process in the fields of science and technology, and to educate students and researchers about techniques and applications in these fields.
The laboratories are equipped with advanced devices, equipment and special technological tools that allow students to apply what they learn through experiments and practical activities.
The communications laboratory includes networking, ultrasound, visual and wireless communication devices, allowing students the opportunity to develop practical skills in designing, operating and maintaining networks and communications systems.
The irrigation pedagogical laboratory also contains devices and tools used in advanced irrigation systems such as modern irrigation devices, irrigation control systems and water sensors. This gives students the opportunity to study and develop sustainable and efficient irrigation techniques in terms of water consumption and conservation of water resources.
As for the civil engineering laboratory, it is equipped with tools and equipment used in the design and testing of construction materials, structures, drainage and drainage systems. The laboratory helps students understand and apply engineering concepts in areas such as the design of foundations, bridges, roads and drainage systems.
The pedagogical laboratories for technology in communications, irrigation and civil engineering aim to enhance applied learning and develop the practical skills of students in these specializations, contribute to innovations and scientific research, and help develop the technical capabilities of students and researchers in these important fields.

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