The Director of the University of El Oued receives a delegation from the University of Technology in Slovakia

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The Director of the University of El Oued receives a delegation from the University of Technology in Slovakia

Today, March 13, 2024, the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, accompanied by his Deputy for External Relations, Dr. Mohamed Fouad Farhat, received a delegation of professors from the University of Technology in the Slovak Republic. The visit made by the Slovak delegation to the University of El Oued is part of the Erasmus+ mobility program and the effectiveness of the scientific and research mobility of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar.
The Slovak delegation, consisting of professors and researchers in the field of chemistry, Professor Haydary Juma and Professor Spanik Ivan from the Slovak University of Technology of Bratislava Slovakia, representatives of the International Relations Office and the Erasmus Office, Mr. Lucia Miadokova and Mr. Lapsanka Alzbeta, and three doctoral students, presented the objectives of the scientific visit, thanking the Director, his Deputy for External Relations, the Dean of Technology, Professor Ali Shamsa, and the entire university and college family for this scientific and research vitality.
In the dialogue between the University President and the Slovak scientific delegation, he focused on the importance of exchanging scientific and research expertise and the scope of our students and research professors benefiting from the combined expertise of the universities of technology in Slovakia within the framework of the Erasmus+ Mobility Program and the effectiveness of the scientific and research mobility of the University of the Valley.

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