The Director of the University of El Oued receives a delegation of professors from the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages

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The Director of the University of El Oued receives a delegation of professors from the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages

Today, April 15, 2024, the Rector of Shahid Hama Lakhdar University, Professor Omar Farhati, received a delegation of professors from the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages for study and training at the Faculty of Arts and Languages. The scientific visit falls within the framework of international cooperation between the two universities, the University of El Oued and the Uzbekistan State University.
The reception was held in the presence of the Vice President of the University in charge of External Relations, Dr. Farhat Muhammad Fouad, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Languages, Professor Dalal Washan, her deputy for post-graduation, Professor Youssef Al-Ayeb, the Head of the Arabic Language Department, Dr. Abdul Aziz Mesbahi, the Director of Female Residence, Saleh Hadda, Mr. Abdul Rahman Baeji, and the Director of Male Residence, Al-Hadi, Abdul Qader. Mr. Hamtin Seif Al-Din.
When he delivered the speech, the University Rector welcomed the six professors of the International Languages University in Uzbekistan who came to learn the Arabic and French languages for a period lasting a month according to the program prepared for their teaching. He also provided explanations about the university, ways of learning in Algeria, and what the Algerian state offers to its students and students in terms of the scientific, research and residential aspects, wishing them A visit and distinguished scientific training by the college’s distinguished professors.
The university director exchanged conversations with the professors, who expressed their happiness at being at the University of El Oued and the State of Algeria. On this occasion, the representative of the delegation, Professor Ermatov Usmonjon Komilovich, delivered a speech conveying greetings of peace, friendship, love and brotherhood from the Dean of the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages and expressing his happiness with the delegation accompanying him about his presence in Algeria.
The guests presented symbolic gifts to the university director and university administrators.
Meanwhile, the university director called for a visit to the landmarks of the state of El Oued, the city of culture and creativity, and your second country, Algeria.

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