International Forum at Al Wadi University on Discourse Analysis between Literary and Linguistic Approaches

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International Forum at Al Wadi University on Discourse Analysis between Literary and Linguistic Approaches

On behalf of Mr. Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, his Deputy for Pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai, announced today, February 13, 2024, the official opening of the work of the international in-person and remote conference “Discourse Analysis between Linguistic and Literary Approaches: Procedures - Borders - Intersections” in the Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah Grand Lecture Hall.
The opening of the two-day scientific event was supervised by the Vice-Rector for Pedagogy and the Dean of the College, the Vice-Rector for External Relations and the Secretary-General of the University.
The Vice-Rector for Pedagogy, on behalf of the University Director, welcomed the guests of the forum, including professors, researchers and students from the University of El Oued and some universities in the country. He also noted the fruitful efforts made by the Dean of the College and its professors in organizing such scientific events that benefit professors and students. For her part, the Dean of the College, Professor Dalal Washan, welcomed the attendees on behalf of the College family and thanked the members of the Scientific Committee and the Organizing Committee. She also praised the topic of the forum, which she described as important and new, as it is an interdisciplinary topic that combines the fields of linguistics and literature.
The director of the forum, Dr. Al-Ilmi Masoudi, presented a summary of the objectives and themes of the forum, noting that 214 interventions were recorded, including 25 in-person interventions.
Among the objectives of the forum, the director of the forum pointed out the definition of discourse concepts and highlighting the relationships between linguistic, literary and critical theories and approaches in the field of discourse analysis and research into the usefulness of discourse analysis in deducing linguistic facts and revealing literary and artistic aesthetics and the impact of that on language education, as well as enriching the scientific arena with new intellectual production on the topic at hand and providing the relevant sectors with practical recommendations in it.
The interventions, which included contributions in French and English, focused on several topics, including discourse analysis methods, linguistic cognitive influences, discourse analysis methods, and philosophical literary cognitive influences.
Critical procedures, boundaries, discourse analysis between linguistic theories and literary and critical approaches, intersections, overlaps, and conflicts, discourse and methodology, and the problem of critical practice between theory and application, as well as discourse analysis, cultural and interdisciplinary studies, critical awareness, language teaching in Arab educational systems, and discourse analysis between linguistic theories and literary and critical approaches in terms of reality, procedures, criticism, and evaluation. The interventions included extensive discussions between professors, researchers, and students.

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