Scholarships provided by the Islamic Development Bank for the year 2024/2025

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Scholarships provided by the Islamic Development Bank for the year 2024/2025

The Islamic Development Bank is pleased to announce the opening of applications for scholarships for the academic year 2024-2025, based on the correspondence of the Directorate of University Cooperation and Exchange No. 759/2024 dated March 27, 2024.

These scholarships come within the framework of the Islamic Bank’s efforts to support education and empower young people to achieve their academic and professional goals. The fields available for application include all academic specializations available for graduate and bachelor’s studies.

Those wishing to apply for these scholarships should visit the electronic portal of the Islamic Development Bank via the following link:

Applications must be submitted through the electronic portal mentioned above, and the deadline for submission is April 20, 2024.

For more information and inquiries, please visit the website of the Islamic Development Bank

We wish all students good luck with their applications

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