The Imprint of Hope Club for people of high determination at El Oued University commemorates Science Day

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The Imprint of Hope Club for people of high determination at El Oued University commemorates Science Day

Today, April 16, 2024, the Imprint of Hope Club for people of high determination at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar held a special celebration on the occasion of Science Day, corresponding to April 16 of each year, where the university director participated, along with all the university administrators, members of the club. In his speech, on the occasion, he thanked the club members and all our students with high determination. For their diligence and diligence in seeking education and knowledge, reminding, as always, that all the university’s capabilities are at their service because they are a symbol of challenge and love. The president of the Imprint of Hope Club, student Khamisi Ashab, extends special thanks to the university president for his constant and positive effectiveness for this university and his unlimited support for the group of people of determination, and the activity included Singing segments performed by Sufyan Mahawa and a cultural competition. On this occasion, a special exhibition for people of high determination was also held.

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