Basmat Amal Club for People with High Abilities at Al Wadi University organizes a training workshop on administrative document editing techniques

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Basmat Amal Club for People with High Abilities at Al Wadi University organizes a training workshop on administrative document editing techniques

Under the supervision of the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, the Basmat Amal Club for People with High Abilities, in coordination with the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of El Oued, organized today, April 25, 2024, a training workshop on administrative document editing techniques.
The training workshop is based on preparing reports and correspondence, the theoretical aspect in which administrative writing is defined in general and its characteristics, and the practical aspect in order to provide students with a true picture of the most important administrative models of reports and correspondence and the beginning of their enumeration.
The activity was moderated by Dr. Ahlam Harash and Dr. Lazhar Labidi.

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