The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research selects El Oued University with distinction to move to the fourth generation university

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The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research chooses El Oued University with distinction to move to the fourth generation university

With its permanent excellence, the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar was chosen to move to the fourth generation university within the project of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Today, May 22, 2024, the Director of the University of El Oued, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised a coordination meeting in his office to initiate and activate the correspondence of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Kamal Badari, to modernize the sector. And moving to the fourth generation university.
In the presence of the Deputy Director of Scientific Research, Development and Foresight, the Deans of the three technical colleges of Technology, Exact Sciences and Natural and Life Sciences, the Director of the House of Artificial Intelligence, specialized professors, the Digitization and Networks Officer, and the Sub-Director of Means and Maintenance.
The Director opened the meeting by thanking the Ministry and the Minister for granting confidence in our university among its choices among the national institutions for this important project, referring to the instructions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the basic goal that it seeks starting from the next university entry, which is the transition from a traditional university to the ranks of the universities of the next generation. Fourth, the Director began the actual procedures and steps to form an expanded committee to begin work and provide capabilities within practical proposals and a tight agenda for our entry with distinction into this digital project, as indicated by the Ministry, and entry into the Fourth Generation University within the requirements that the University of El Oued is working on, represented by employing smart technologies and equipping the teaching halls. Using smart digital technologies and improving the quality of education distinguished by creativity and innovation by instilling a culture of entrepreneurship among students.
The Director opened the door for dialogue for the attendees to submit their suggestions and to study and follow up on the process and determine it while taking all measures to make the project of transitioning our university to a fourth generation university a success to ensure education that combines modern technology, flexible teaching methods, and technical and research governance, scientific, technical and economic.

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