The Minister of Communication tours the Journalism History Exhibition at the University of the El Oued and visits the audio-visual studio

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The Minister of Communication tours the Journalism History Exhibition at the University of the El Oued and visits the audio-visual studio

Today, May 6, 2024, the Minister of Communication, Professor Mohamed Laqab, opened his participation in the National Forum on the Algerian Press and Journalists during the Colonial Era, with a visit to the exhibition of photos and newspapers that document the colonial period in Algeria at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar. This exhibition aims to highlight the most important topics and issues addressed during the two stages of the national movement and the liberation revolution.
The Minister visited the college’s audio-visual studio and was a guest on a university programme.
The Minister was accompanied during his visit to the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences by the Governor of the State, Said Akrouf, the President of the State People's Assembly, Ezzedine Hassani, the security and civil authorities of the State, the Revolutionary Family, and members of the National People's Assembly. They were received by the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, the University's executives, and the faculty family.

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