Mostrando 9-12 de 1414 resultados

Resultados de la Beca Granada en España

25 de septiembre de 2023

نتائج منحة غرناطة بإسبانيا After the selection process that was held at the Vice Rectorate for External Relations for the staff Mobility to the University of GANADA.Spain on Sunday, September 17th, 2023. The committee has selected the following Staff : 1-Dr.GUEDDA Elhabib Reserve List: 1-Dr.TIR Zoheir 2-Dr.NESBA Asma    

Resultados de la beca de la Universidad Gazi en Turquía para empleados

25 de septiembre de 2023

نتائج منحة جامعة غازي بتركيا للموظفين After the selection process that was held at the Vice Rectorate for External  Relations for the staff Mobility to the University of GAZI.Turkey on Wednesday, September 20th, 2023. The committee has selected the following Staff : 1-Dr.Prof Mohammed NAOUA Reserve List: 1-Dr Asma NESBA 2-Dr Mohammed GHEDEIR BRAHIM