برنامج الحركية ايراسموس+ بجامعة رووان بفرنسا

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برنامج الحركية ايراسموس+ بجامعة رووان بفرنسا 

Programme de mobilité Erasmus+ vers l’université de Rouen France


Call for application under Erasmus + program exchange mobility for Staff to The University of Rouen, France

With the framework of exchange mobility (Erasmus+ program). The University of El Oued announced a call for applications for  staff at The University of Rouen, France

The Mobility will target the following Projects and fields :

  • ESAGOV Project
  • Institution Project  ( Projet d’établissement)  
  • Governance
  • Quality Assurance 

Required documents:

 1- CV                                                                                                                                    

 2- A copy of a valid passport                                                                            

 3- French language proficiency  ( B2 certificate, diploma…)                                                

4- Motivation Letter ( the candidate will mention his relation to the projects and/or the fields mentioned above )

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/Y1dRp3QN8PgRcRvc9

Deadline: February,20th 2023.

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