Offrir une bourse au Mexique au profit des étudiants de licence, de maîtrise et de doctorat. Les États mexicains (AMEXCID) ont annoncé un appel à candidatures pour les étudiants de licence, de maîtrise et de doctorat. 1-Pour plus de détails, veuillez visiter le lien suivant : 2-La date limite de candidature est le : 21 juillet 2023 Messagerie
عرض لمنحة دراسية إلى الجمهورية الباكستانية لفائدة الطلبة غير ممولة التكاليف The application was announced by Pakistan government (PTAP) 2023-2024 1-For more details please visit the following link: 2-The deadline for the application is: -August,1st,2023 -October,2nd,2023 المراسلة
عرض للدراسة بالجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا غير ممولة التكاليف The application was announced by The International Islamic University in Malaysia for students of El Oued. 1-Unfunded Mobility -Studying and Accommodation fees are free -There are other charges that students need to pay which are Administrative fees (MYR815 for non-science program / MYR840 for science program) 2-For more details please visit the following link: 3-Students can apply by filling out the application form attached to this announcement and sending it to both email addresses: [email protected] [email protected] 4-The application deadline for the first semester is:June20th,2023 IIUM IINBOUND APPLICATION FORM