6th International Conference on Environmental Design and Health, ICED2025

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6th International Conference on Environmental Design and Health, ICED2025

Dear Colleague,

We invite you to submit your work to the 6th International Conference on Environmental Design and Health (ICED2025), 1-2 November 2025, Heraklion, Crete, Greece and Virtual (https://iced.eap.gr/).

Please submit your contribution before 30 March 2025. ICED2025 will take place in a face-to-face meeting in Heraklion and also virtual.

The conference will combine the most recent scientific developments in Environmental Design (Sustainability / Pollution / Energy / Cities-Buildings / Transportation / Erosion / Climate Change / Policy / Social Acceptance / Health Issues). ICED2025 will provide a unique opportunity for experts to interact and to apply their knowledge and latest research findings to the design and developments of environmental processes and also to discuss health issues.



·        Deadline for the submissions of 1 page abstract: 30 March 2025

·          Notification of abstracts acceptance: After 15 April 2025

·          Deadline for the submission of full papers or 1 page poster: 25 May 2025

·          Deadline for the submission of revised full papers or posters: 20 June 2025

·          Notification of papers or posters acceptance: After 25 June 2025

·          Deadline for registrations: For the authors of papers and posters: 7 July 2025

·          Deadline for registrations: For the other participants: 14 July 2025

·         Conference: 1-2 November 2025


The conference will discuss the recent progress in the areas of:

·         Sustainability

·          Pollution – Pollution Control (outdoor and indoor air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise and light pollution)

·          Analysis of Pollutants

·          Environmental Impact Studies

·          Circular Economy

·          Energy Sustainability, Environmental Impacts of Energy (RES/Fossil Fuels/Nuclear)

·          Sustainable Mobility, Impacts of Transportation on the Environment

·          Environmental Design of Buildings and Cities

·          Erosion, Protection of Specific Zones (Coastal Zone, Mountains,…), Geotechnical Projects

·          Climate Change, Meteorology, Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas, Adaptation and Impacts of Climate Change

·          Effects of Pollution, Climate Change and Environmental Parameters on Human Health and Ecosystems

·          Economic, Historical, Legal, Social and Political Issues of Energy and Environment, Political Ecology

·          Environmental Education

·          Environmental Policy

·          Social Acceptance of Environmental Problems

·          Theoretical Design Issues / Impacts of Environmental Design

·         Health Impacts, Health Issues


The Conference Proceedings will be published in a Scopus-indexed Conference Series.


Heraklion, the capital of Crete, is a unique city combing History with Modernism, Culture with Everyday Life, Sea with Mountain, Mediterranean with Ethnic food, Day with Night Life, Shopping with Strolling, Sports with Leisure, and many more.



We are looking forward to receive your abstract. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please do not hesitate to Contactez-nous

Best regards,

The Organizing Committee

6th International Conference on Environmental Design and Health (ICED2025)

E-mail: [email protected]

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