Call for Applications: Erasmus+ Student Mobilities – Autumn Semester 2025- Riga Technical University (RTU)‏

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Call for Applications: Erasmus+ Student Mobilities – Autumn Semester 2025- Riga Technical University (RTU)‏

Call for Applications: Erasmus+ Student Mobilities – Autumn Semester 2025-

Riga Technical University (RTU)

We are pleased to announce the call for applications for student and staff mobilities under the Erasmus+ program. Eligible students from the following targeted faculties are especially encouraged to apply:

For Students:

  • Faculty of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
  • Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology
  • Faculty of Computer Science, Information Technology and Energy
  • Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management
  • Institute of Architecture and Design
  • Riga Business School.


Student Mobilities – Autumn Semester 2025


Application Deadline: April 3rd, 2025

Nominations for student mobilities must be submitted through the designated online application system. Each student nomination must be submitted separately. Other formats of nominations will not be accepted.


Selection Criteria for Students:

  • GPA Requirement: Minimum 6.25
  • English Proficiency: Minimum B2 level
  • Motivation Letter


Selection Process for Students:

  1. Nominated students will be contacted by the Erasmus+ coordinator at the host institution to complete the application process.
  2. Candidates must submit all required supporting documents via the online platform.
  3. Conditionally-approved students will be notified and invited for an interview.
  4. Successful candidates will receive guidance on preparing their Learning Agreement in coordination with their home institution’s Erasmus+ coordinator.

Link for registration:

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