الملتقى الدولي العمل الدعوي المؤسساتي واقعه و آفاقه

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الملتقى الدولي العمل الدعوي المؤسساتي واقعه و آفاقه


ملتقى العمل الدعوي















المزيد من المقالات

6th International Conference on Environmental Design and Health, ICED2025

6th International Conference on Environmental Design and Health, ICED2025 Dear Colleague, We invite you to submit your work to the 6th International Conference on Environmental Design and Health (ICED2025), 1-2 November 2025, Heraklion, Crete, Greece and Virtual (https://iced.eap.gr/). Please submit your contribution before 30 March 2025. ICED2025 will take place in a face-to-face meeting in Heraklion and also virtual. The conference will combine the most recent scientific developments in Environmental Design (Sustainability / Pollution / Energy / Cities-Buildings / Transportation / Erosion / Climate Change / Policy / Social Acceptance / Health Issues). ICED2025 will provide a unique opportunity for experts to interact and

Call for Applications: Erasmus+ Student Mobilities – Autumn Semester 2025- Riga Technical University (RTU)‏

Call for Applications: Erasmus+ Student Mobilities – Autumn Semester 2025- Riga Technical University (RTU)‏ Call for Applications: Erasmus+ Student Mobilities – Autumn Semester 2025- Riga Technical University (RTU) We are pleased to announce the call for applications for student and staff mobilities under the Erasmus+ program. Eligible students from the following targeted faculties are especially encouraged to apply: For Students: Faculty of Civil and Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology Faculty of Computer Science, Information Technology and Energy Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Institute of Architecture and Design Riga Business School.   Student Mobilities – Autumn Semester