Показаны 29-32 из 1412

منحة الى الجمهورية الصينية لفائدة الطلبة

Декабрь 10, 2023

منحة الى الجمهورية الصينية لفائدة الطلبة   عرض لمنحة دراسية إلى الجمهورية الصينية لسنة (2025/2024) لفائدة الطلبة في مختلف التخصصات (ماستر+دكتوراه)  -لمعرفة التخصصات المطلوبة يرجى الإطلاع على الموقع التالي: https://studyinchinas.com/china-campus-network-2019-intake – التسجيل يكون اولا بالموقع اعلاه بإتباع الخطوات الموجودة بالدليل المرفق -آخر أجل للتسجيل  يوم 20 جانفي 2024. ملاحظة: -تودع الملفات لدى نيابة العلاقات الخارجية بالجامعة بالطابق الرابع المراسلة instructions for chinese government scholarship information system (CGSIS) foreigner physical examination form    

مسابقة هكاطون

Декабрь 10, 2023

—————————————————————————————– مسابقة هكاطون   AI_Cyber Aramco-El Oued Boot Camps            

Community engagement: Lessons learned

8 апреля 2023 г.

College is a time of great change and growth. Students are away from home for the first time, meeting new people, and learning new things. In this time of transition, it can be helpful to get involved in college communities. Community engagement can provide students with a sense of belonging, support, and opportunities to grow. It can also help students develop their skills, learn new things, and make a difference in the world. As a college student, I had the opportunity to get involved in a variety of community engagement activities. I volunteered at a local soup kitchen, served as …

Развитие студентов: влияние сообщества

8 апреля 2023 г.

Student development is a complex process that involves many factors, including the individual student, the school, and the community. The community plays a significant role in student development, providing students with a sense of belonging, support, and opportunities to learn and grow. Sense of Belonging One of the most important things that a community can provide for students is a sense of belonging. When students feel like they belong, they are more likely to be engaged in school and to achieve their academic goals. They are also more likely to be healthy and happy. There are many ways that communities …