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نتائج إختيار الطلبة الى جامعة صربيا

Сентябрь 2, 2023

نتائج إختيار الطلبة الى جامعة صربيا Result of selection to University of Kragujevac, Serbia After the selection process that was held at the Vice Rectorate for External  Relations for the student’s Mobility to The University of Kragujevac, Serbia  The meeting took place on Tuesday, August 1st, 2023.  The committee has selected the following student : GROUNE Saoussene Houria            

منحة الى غرناطة بإسبانيا

Сентябрь 2, 2023

منحة الى غرناطة بإسبانيا Mobility to University of Grenada. Spain   In the framework of Erasmus+ KA 171 program, The University of Eloued has announced a Mobility for Training to The University of Granada.Spain. Required documents: 1-Cv  2-Copy of passport 3-English certificate level (minimum B2)  4-Motivation Letter  Registration Link:https://forms.gle/HhBZJvUWYbpfV12w7  Deadline: September,10th,2023.            

منحة الى غازي بتركيا

Сентябрь 2, 2023

منحة غازي تركيا   Mobility to University of GAZI. Turkey   The University of Eloued announced a call for applications for (Academic/Training staff) to The University of GAZI.Turkey with the framework of exchange mobility (Erasmus+ KA 171 program) The application covers the following specialties : -English language -French language Required documents 1-Cv  2-Copy of passport 3-Teaching Content (For Teachers) 4-English certificate level (minimum B2)  5-Motivation Letter Registration Link: https://forms.gle/xNpG2K7t72afveqK6  Deadline: September,10th,2023.          

منحة ايراسموس بلاس لدراسة فصل دراسي ( بداية من اكتوبر 2023) من الجامعة الصربية كراڨوفاتش لطلبة الدكتوراه

Июль 6, 2023

منحة ايراسموس بلاس لدراسة فصل دراسي ( بداية من اكتوبر 2023) من الجامعة الصربية كراڨوفاتش لطلبة الدكتوراه   A scholarship to study a semester ( winter semester ) at the University of Kraguejevac, Kragujevac Serbia under Erasmus KA107 for PhD students    The application was announced by the University of Kragujevac (Serbia) to Algerian Universities under Erasmus KA 107 Programme and fully funded by the European Union   The courses offered are : Mechanical Engineering Military Industrial Engineering Urban Engineering Computer Engineering and Software Engineering Environmental Engineering Philology (language and literature) For more details please visit the following link – Registration …