Graduation Ceremony for the 2021/2022 Batch of Trained Teachers

Graduation Ceremony for the 2021/2022 Batch of Trained Teachers

On May 15, 2023, Professor Bachir Menaï, Vice-Rector of the University in charge of Pedagogy, along with Dr. Mohamed Salah Djellab, President of the Local Training Committee, and Dr. Nacer Dehda., Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Languages in charge of Studies, presided over the ceremony to award certificates of training to the 2021-2022 batch of professors who had completed a full year of training, both in person at the university and remotely from the University of Constantine.

The ceremony, which took place in the discussion hall of the Faculty of Languages and Arts, was attended by the professors concerned from various faculties and specializations. The Vice-Rector of the University, the Rector of the Local Training Committee, and the Vice-Dean for Studies all gave speeches in which they congratulated the professors of the batch and praised the high level of training they had received. The meeting was also an opportunity for everyone to exchange views on training and teaching issues at the university.

Here are some additional details about the event:

  • The ceremony was held at the Faculty of Languages and Arts at the University of Constantine.
  • The professors who received certificates had completed a one-year training program, both in person and remotely.
  • The training program covered a variety of topics, including pedagogy, research, and teaching methods.
  • The ceremony was attended by professors from various faculties and specializations.
  • The Vice-Rector of the University, the Rector of the Local Training Committee, and the Vice-Dean for Studies all gave speeches at the ceremony.
  • The meeting was an opportunity for everyone to exchange views on training and teaching issues at the university.


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