The Director of El Oued University Participates in the Face-to-Face Meeting of the Algerian and Tunisian Border Universities 5+5 in Tunisia

The Director of El Oued University Participates in the Face-to-Face Meeting of the Algerian and Tunisian Border Universities 5+5 in Tunisia

On May 11, 2023, Professor Omar Farhati, Director of the University of Shahid Hamou Lakhdar-El Oued, and Professor Kaddah Habib, Vice-Rector for External Relations, participated in the work of the second face-to-face meeting at the University of Jendouba in Tunisia, in accordance with the framework agreement for the Algerian and Tunisian universities 5+5 on May 11-12, 2023. The meeting was attended on its first day by the directors of the Algerian universities: El Oued, Tebessa, Annaba, Souk Ahras, and El Tarf, and the presidents of the Tunisian universities: Jendouba, Sfax, Gabes, Gafsa, and Kairouan, as well as vice-directors and presidents of the Algerian and Tunisian universities.

The opening meeting was also attended by the Chief of Staff of the Tunisian Minister of Higher Education and the Governor of the Jendouba ولاية, who introduced the President of the University of Jendouba and the representative of the Minister of Higher Education, who gave welcome speeches to the Algerian delegation, praising this agreement and its reinforcement.

Mr. Professor Omar Farhati, Director of the University of Shahid Hamou Lakhdar-El Oued, gave a speech in his capacity as coordinator of the Algerian universities, in which he spoke about the depth of the fraternal and historical relations that bind the two sister countries and the chronology of the cooperation agreement and the meetings between the Algerian and Tunisian sides within the framework of the 5+5 agreement since the signing of the last agreement between the two ministries in March 2022 to the Annaba meeting in November 2022. Professor Omar Farhati, Coordinator of the Algerian Universities and Director of the University of El Oued, mentioned the various activities that have been completed and programmed, especially the digital platform that includes the research data of professors and researchers from both sides, as well as the research laboratories and their multiple possibilities. He also spoke about the preparations for the international doctoral meeting that will be organized by the University of El Oued in December 2023.

This was followed by a speech by the President of the University of Gabes, in his capacity as coordinator of the Tunisian universities, to open the discussion on the various frameworks of cooperation between the two sides.

The evening session was devoted to a presentation of the digital platform by a representative of the University of Tebessa, who gave a detailed explanation of the various features of the platform and its importance. The vice-directors and presidents of the participating universities met in a special session to propose a program of short-, medium- and long-term activities for the coming stages.

I hope this is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.


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