Launch of the training course in computer science for the benefit of the staff of the central administration and faculties

Launch of the Training Course in ComputerScience for the Benefit of the Staff of the Central Administration and Faculties

     Within the framework of the implementation of the strategic office plan for digitization, and under the supervision of the university’s Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, the general secretary  of the university, Mr. Chaouki Madellel, and the  rector deputy for employees, Kais Abanna, and Ms. Gwal Faiza, head of the training department, accompanied by the  general secretaries of the faculties, gave the go-ahead for the launch of the training course in computer science for the benefit of the staff of the central administration and faculties.

     Administrative staff will benefit from theoretical and practical lessons in the first level of computer science in a simplified and comprehensive way, from the definition of computer science and the internal and external components of the computer to what the level requires. There will be a second course in the second level of computer science after the completion of the first level.


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