Student selection process for the Erasmus scholarship to study a full semester at Riga Technical University

Student selection process for the Erasmus scholarship to study a full semester at Riga Technical University

Within the framework of student mobility in the Erasmus program, the University of   El Oued – today studied the files of candidates for a scholarship to Latvia to study a full semester at full costs at Riga Technical University.

A specialized committee composed of:

  • Professor Faris Asadi

  • Dr. Chaimaa Manaai

supervised the study of the files.

The selection criteria were as follows:

  • Academic excellence

  • Motivation letter

  • Recommendation letters

  • English language proficiency

The committee interviewed the shortlisted candidates and selected the best candidates based on the above criteria.

The selected candidates will receive a full scholarship to cover their tuition, travel, and living expenses for the full semester at Riga Technical University.

Congratulations to the selected candidates!


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