Proceedings of the Biological Sciences Study Day at the University of El Oued

Proceedings of the Biological Sciences Study Day at the University of El Oued

On Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., the Vice-Rector of the University, Professor Bachir Mennai on behalf of the Rector, Professor Omar Ferhati, inaugurated the activities of the sixth edition of the Biological Sciences Study Day in the lecture hall of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life. The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Abdelmalek Zaater, the Head of the Laboratory of Research on Biodiversity and Biotechnology Applications in the Agricultural Field, Dr. Nili Mohammed Seghir, and the Director of the Study Day, Professor Samir Derouiche. A large number of professors and students were also present, filling the hall to capacity.

In his opening speech, Professor Samir Derouche highlighted the importance of the series of study days over the past 10 years in improving the level of students and encouraging them to continue in scientific careers. He also outlined the main themes of the study day, highlighting the number and type of contributions and the most important universities that participated. He concluded by thanking the organizing committee, composed exclusively of PhD students, and the scientific committee that oversees the evaluation of the students’ work. He wished everyone a successful study day.

The head of the laboratory, Dr. Nili Mohammed Seghir, focused in his speech on the most important activities of the research laboratory and presented the annual report of the laboratory’s most important scientific works.

In his speech, Professor Bachir Mennai, Vice-Rector of the University, welcomed everyone and praised the sixth edition of the study day. He highlighted the role of the faculty in stimulating scientific activity at the university level and congratulated the university family on the opening of the medical annex under the supervision of Professor Samir Derouiche. He expressed his satisfaction with the level reached by the faculty and concluded by giving the official signal for the start of the study day.

This Biological Sciences Study Day brings together all stakeholders in the biological field, including master’s and PhD students and professors, to share experiences, exchange ideas, and stimulate scientific activity at the faculty level. This sixth edition is taking place over 10 years and is distinguished this year by the participation of both internal and external universities, which has given it a national character. The number of contributions has reached more than 65, including 3 lectures, 15 oral presentations, and the rest poster presentations.

This scientific day for biological sciences has taken on a new and distinguished form, with a remarkable presence of PhD and master’s students and most of the presentations being given in English. This demonstrates that our students are keeping up with the requirements of scientific development.

One of the most distinctive features of the study day was the online presentations given by professors from inside and outside the country, which gave it an international character. In addition to the great diversity in the content of the students’ presentations and posters, the study day concluded with a set of important recommendations.


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