Pupils from Tir Hussein Middle School Visit the University of El Oued

Pupils from Tir Hussein Middle School Visit the University of El Oued

On November 28, 2023, a group of 24 students from Tir Hussein Middle School in the Teksabt neighborhood of El Oued undertook an initial visit to the University of El Oued. This planned excursion was the result of cooperation between the school’s administration and the university’s general secretariat, demonstrating the university’s commitment to engaging with its local community.
The students were chaperoned by two teachers from their school: Fares Douim Ammari Mubarak and Koub Ghenabzia, who is an administrative assistant. They highlighted that the aim of the visit was to acquaint students with higher education at university level and inspire their enthusiasm for learning, motivating them towards future pursuit of advanced education. Each student proudly displayed a badge indicating their intended profession aspired – choices including lawyer, doctor, engineer or teacher.
During their tour on campus they visited lecture halls and classrooms where they engaged directly with professors during classes gaining valuable insights into teaching methodologies. Additionally interacting with current students allowed them to express aspirations matching theirs while expressing involvement in contributing towards national progress through educational advancement.
Both students and supervising staff expressed appreciation towards all members within this esteemed institution particularly acknowledging support received from both president and secretary-general for granting this invaluable opportunity for visiting such revered center dedicated to elevated learning pursuits combined research activities.

Source: https://www.univ-eloued.dz/school-children/


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