University of El Oued Participates in the International Staff Week at the University of Kragujevac in Serbia

University of El Oued Participates in the International Staff Week at the University of Kragujevac in Serbia

A delegation from the University of الشهيد حمه لخضر-الوادي- participated in the International Staff Week organized by the Erasmus Office at the University of Kragujevac in Serbia. The event was attended by more than 12 universities representing 10 countries, including Algeria, Jordan, Georgia, the Dominican Republic, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary, Uzbekistan, and Sweden.

The participants exchanged experiences and gave lectures on the modernization of education. Dr. Abdelmalek Attia gave a lecture to engineering students on the Boltzmann network method, while staff members Abdelkader Gadir and Cherif Hakima from the Faculty of Technology gave a presentation on the University of El Oued.

This participation is part of the Erasmus+ mobility program. The meeting provides an opportunity to expand the network of international relations within the framework of the University of El Oued’s policy of international openness.


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