Vice-Rector of the University of El Oued Inspects Preparations for the Second Stage PhD Exam

Vice-Rector of the University of El Oued Inspects Preparations for the Second Stage PhD Exam

On February 9, 2023, Professor Boubakeur Mansour, Vice-Rector of the University of El Oued in charge of training at the third stage and scientific research, accompanied by the deans of the faculties hosting the second stage of the PhD exam, inspected all material and logistical aspects of the exam.

The PhD exam will be held on Saturday, February 11, 2023, at the University of El Oued in the aforementioned faculties, marking the second stage after a series of meetings conducted by the Vice-rector for Training and Scientific Research with the deans, vice-deans, and secretaries-general of the faculties.

The Vice-Rector for Scientific Research concluded his visit at the Faculty of Technology, where he met with the Dean, Dr. Ali Chamsa, the Secretary-General, Mr. Bachir Medellel, the Vice-Dean for Studies, Dr. Hariz Bekkar El Arabi, and the Vice-Dean for Post-Graduation, Dr. Attia Abdelmalek, to review the final preparations for the PhD exam, similar to the other faculties of Natural and Life Sciences and Islamic Sciences.

The total number of candidates for the PhD exam at the University of El Oued this year is 8,477, distributed over 12 departments and 23 specializations. The number of proposed positions is 72. The number of candidates for the exam in the Faculty of Sciences and Technology is 764:

  • Civil Engineering Department with a single specialization in Civil Engineering Materials: 259 candidates.
  • Irrigation Department with three specializations:
    • Urban Irrigation: 273 candidates.
    • Irrigation Structures: 135 candidates.
    • Water and Environmental Sciences: 97 candidates.

In the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, there are 1,692 candidates distributed as follows:

  • Environment and Environment Department with a single specialization: 634 candidates.
  • Biological Sciences Department with a specialization in Fundamental and Applied Toxicology: 593 candidates.
  • Agricultural Sciences Department with 236 candidates in Plant Production Improvement and Sustainable Agriculture and 229 candidates in Soil and Water.

In the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, the number of candidates is 1,896, distributed over three departments:

  • Sharia Department with three specializations: 1,155 candidates.
  • Usul ad-Din Department with a single specialization in Islamic Call and Culture: 455 candidates.
  • Islamic Civilization Department with a single specialization in Arabic Language and Quranic Studies: 286 candidates.

During his tour and after inspecting the final preparations for the exam, the Vice-Rector for Scientific Research and Post-Graduation confirmed that the University of El Oued is fully prepared in its second stage to welcome the candidates and conduct the exam in appropriate conditions that will enable the candidates to perform at their best.

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