The Second Session of the Doctorate Contest starts at the University of El Oued

The second Session of the Doctorate Contest starts at the University of El Oued

On February 11, 2023, Professor Omar Ferhati, Rector of University of El Oued, officially launched the second stage of the 2023/2022 PhD contest at the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, and the Faculty of Technology.

The Rector announced the start of the exam at the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, accompanied by the Dean, Dr. Abdelmalek Zaater, the administrative staff, the teaching team, and the Secretary-General of the faculty.

During his visit to the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, the Rector monitored the progress of the exam alongside the Vice-Rector for postgraduation research, Professor Boubakeur Mansour, who had already initiated the exam with the Dean, Professor Rahmani Ibrahim, the faculty’s administrative staff, the teaching team, and the Secretary-General.

The President then inaugurated the second stage of the exam at the Faculty of Technology, joined by the Dean, Dr. Chamsa Ali, the entire administrative staff, the teaching team, and the Secretary-General of the faculty. In the first stage of the exam, the Vice-Rector for Pedagogy, Professor Bachir Mennaï, represented the Rector in launching the exam at the same faculty.

The Rector’s tour was marked by his presence during the opening of envelopes and the drawing of exam questions alongside the participating students. He affirmed that the exam was proceeding under excellent conditions from a logistical, pedagogical, and psychological standpoint, as was the case in the first stage at the exam centers in all faculties.

The Rector expressed his gratitude to the entire University of El Oued community, including the vice-Rectors, deans, professors, staff, and workers, for their commitment to upholding high standards of interaction with all students and guests of the University of El Oued.

According to the Vice-Rector for Third-Stage Training and Scientific Research, the total number of candidates for the PhD exam at the University of El Oued this year is 8,477, distributed across 12 departments and 23 specializations. The number of proposed positions is 72.

The number of candidates for the exam is as follows:

  • Faculty of Islamic Sciences: 1,896 candidates
    • Sharia Department with three specializations: 1,155 candidates
    • Usul ad-Din Department with a single specialization in Islamic Call and Culture: 455 candidates
    • Islamic Civilization Department with a single specialization in Arabic Language and Quranic Studies: 286 candidates
  • Faculty of Sciences and Technology: 764 candidates
    • Civil Engineering Department with a single specialization in Civil Engineering Materials: 259 candidates
    • Irrigation Department with three specializations:
      • Urban Irrigation: 273 candidates
      • Irrigation Structures: 135 candidates
      • Water and Environmental Sciences: 97 candidates
  • Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences: 1,692 candidates
    • Environment and Environment Department with a single specialization: 634 candidates
    • Biological Sciences Department with a specialization in Fundamental and Applied Toxicology: 593 candidates
    • Agricultural Sciences Department:

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