University of El Oued Celebrates Student Day with the Participation of Local Authorities and the Revolutionary Family

University of El Oued Celebrates Student Day with the Participation of Local Authorities and the Revolutionary Family

On May 18, the University of Martyr Hamou Ladjder celebrated the 67th anniversary of Student Day with the participation of local and security authorities and the revolutionary family, led by the Wali of El Oued, to share the celebration with the university family and students.

In a special distinction for the university this year and in commemoration of the memory, the University of El Oued built a memorial to the martyr leader Hamou Ladjder, where the Wali of the wilaya and the director of the university, accompanied by the revolutionary family, local and security authorities, and university students, laid a wreath of flowers on the memorial and read the Fatiha for the souls of the martyrs. The Wali and the accompanying delegation then toured the various and valuable exhibitions in their different research and technological aspects, which reflect the distinction of the University of Martyr Hamou Ladjder – El Oued – and its achievement of the first place nationally in the patent.

In the large lecture hall Abu Al-Qasim Saad Allah, the activities of Student Day were inaugurated with a speech by the director of the university, Professor Omar Farhati, who welcomed the attendees and praised in his speech the role of the students of yesterday who left their studies to join the liberation revolution. The director called in his speech on the students to strive and persevere to obtain knowledge and education, and to convey to our students and the audience the greetings of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Kamal Baddari, and the ministry’s efforts in its path towards dynamism and reform goals, such as technology, English language, and training.

The director of the university also expressed his special thanks to the Wali of the wilaya, the revolutionary family, and the civil and military authorities in the face of all the challenges to preserve our beloved country Algeria. He thanked all the contributors for their continuous support to the university to raise it to the ranks of the world. He also stressed the need for the student’s permanent effectiveness and challenge to serve the country and its economic and social development. The director also congratulated the international students, especially the Mauritanian student Mohamedou Ould Hamer, who discussed his doctorate in the past few days, wishing him success.

In conclusion, the director called on our students to be proud of their revolution, from which the world drew its noble values, and to persevere in knowledge and education and to double their efforts to win the bet. Glory and eternity to our righteous martyrs.

For his part, the Secretary-General of the Mujahideen Organization, Bashir Obadi, on behalf of the revolutionary family, stressed the importance of this auspicious day for the November 54 generation to meet with their sons from the independence generation, who are students and men of science and culture, pointing out that the student of yesterday recorded his history in letters of light by joining the revolution on May 19, 1956, leaving his studies and joining the armed struggle.

On this occasion, the Mujahid Professor Merah Djadidi, who shared the university and students with their Eid, presented a speech in which he touched on the importance of this day and its importance, and how the students gave up their studies and joined the revolution to write with their blood the letters of the words freedom and independence.

The ceremony also included a video presentation for the students of the glorious liberation revolution, and the ceremony was interspersed with poetic sessions by the Anwar artistic group of university students who excelled and distinguished themselves.

The director of the university and his deputies then proceeded to give the signal to launch the new website for five-star students, in which the University of Martyr Hamou Ladjder excelled in its distinction, as it was the first university to award a five-star certificate to its students.

At the end of the celebration, many female and male students were honored who won in various internal and external competitions held at the faculties and university services and the Kairouan Festival in Tunisia, as well as competitions in the Qur’an, chanting, praise, advocacy, theater, poetry, drawing, and sports.

You are the reserve of Algeria. Happy New Year and all the best.


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