The University of El Oued contributes to the Awareness-Raising Efforts on the Role of Civil Society in Challenging Unconstitutionality

The University of El Oued contributes to the Awareness-Raising Efforts on the Role of Civil Society in Challenging Unconstitutionality

The University of El Oued took part in a seminar today focusing on “Enhancing the Role of Civil Society in Activating Unconstitutionality Appeals”. The opening ceremony was led by Mr. Amar Boudiaf, a member of the Constitutional Court standing in for the President, accompanied by Mr. Said Akrour, Governor of the Wilaya. The event was organized by the Constitutional Court and attended by various dignitaries including members from different branches such as representatives from judicial authority, university leadership, and local government officials; also present were members and staff of the Constitutional Court; Representatives from civil society organizations at both national level and district levels; Members of Parliament; Representatives from international agencies like United Nations Development Program as well as legal professionals and professors.

The University of El Oued was involved in the awareness-raising campaign, with several professors and students from the Faculty of Law and Political Science taking part in the sessions. These sessions aim to promote constitutional culture and enhance awareness and sensitization efforts, as part of a partnership program between the Constitutional Court and the United Nations Development Program, involving all relevant parties.





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