The University of El Oued contributes to the Events of the National Conference “Religious Influence and National Cohesion among Algerian Scholars.”

The University of El Oued contributes to the Events of the National Conference “Religious Influence and National Cohesion among Algerian Scholars.”

Professors Redouane Chafou and Dr. Abdelkader Azzam Awadi from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the University of  El Oued were active participants in a national conference organized by the Supreme Islamic Council of the Presidency of the Republic. The conference, titled “Religious Reference and National Unity among Algerian Scholars: the Case of Sheikh Mohamed Ben Baba Sheikh El Hajh” took place at the headquarters of the Supreme Islamic Council in Algiers on October 29-30, 2023. Former Minister and President of the Supreme Islamic Council, Dr. Bouabdallah Ghlamallah, along with several Algerian scholars and sheikhs were also in attendance during this event.

Professor Abdelkader Azzam Awadi also took part in the international symposium organized by the Ministry of Culture and Arts as part of the seminars held during the 26th edition of the International Book Fair. The symposium was conducted at the Palace of Culture Moufdi Zakaria, with Dr. Souraya Mouloudji, Minister of Culture, and Dr. Mohamed Al-Mamoun Al-Qasmi, Dean of Algiers University, in attendance alongside Sheikhs from the Sufi Tariqa representing various mystical orientations. The conference focused on the following key points:

  • The role of religious scholars in promoting national unity and cohesion.
  • The importance of religious reference in the face of challenges and crises.
  • The contribution of the Sufi Tariqas to the preservation of national identity.
  • The role of culture and arts in promoting dialogue and tolerance.

The participants emphasized the significance of enhancing the involvement of religious experts in advancing national solidarity and harmony, as well as maintaining the religious foundation amidst difficulties and uncertainties. Additionally, they underlined the value of culture and arts in fostering communication and acceptance.




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