The Council of Judiciary of El Oued Organizes a Study Day on Combating Crimes Committed during the Final Exams of Middle School and Baccalaureate at the University of Martyr Hamou Lkhder

The Council of Judiciary of El Oued Organizes a Study Day on Combating Crimes Committed during the Final Exams of Middle School and Baccalaureate at the University of Martyr Hamou Lkhder

On May 29, 2023, the Council of Judiciary of El Oued organized a study day at the University of Martyr Hamou Lkhder on combating crimes committed during the final exams of middle school and baccalaureate. The event was attended by the representative of the Wali of the wilaya, the Secretary General of the wilaya, the Deputy President of the Council of Judiciary of El Oued, the Director of the University, Professor Omar Farhati, and the civil and military authorities of the wilaya.

The event was opened by Mr. Ali Rabah, the Secretary General of the wilaya, who welcomed the attendees and thanked the organizers of the event, the judiciary, the university, and the educational community for the importance of combating the phenomenon of academic cheating in its various forms with the development of communication technologies. He pointed out the keenness of the Wali of the wilaya on all organizational conditions and that they take place in good conditions. He also called on everyone to contribute to combating the phenomenon, wishing success for this study day.

Professor Omar Farhati, the Director of the University, extended a special welcome to the attendees, thanking the judiciary for its positive role and its effective awareness-raising meetings, as well as for the important awareness-raising role that the judiciary plays and its tasks in protecting the individual, society, institutions, and the state. He also extended his thanks to all the security forces, the revolutionary family, the educational family, and the heads of the centers for their constant keenness and follow-up of all the results, headed by the Wali of the wilaya. He wished that this event would contribute to combating the phenomenon of cheating.

Mr. Derki Jamal Eddine, Deputy President of the Council, intervened with a speech pointing to the phenomenon and ways to address it with all the laws, striving for the exams to take place in complete comfort, wishing all the success and success for our students.

Mr. Mrabet Belkhayr, the Attorney General, gave a speech aimed at reducing this negative phenomenon that has been prominent in recent years, thanking the Director of the University for hosting this event and his constant support.

The event included several interventions:

  • The first intervention was entitled “The Different Forms of Cheating in Exams” by Mr. Thamer Yassin, the lawyer.
  • The second intervention was entitled “The Means Used in Cheating” by Mr. Zoubida Hamza, the chief police officer.
  • The third intervention was entitled “Criminal Penalties for Cheating Crimes in Exams” by Mr. Zoumali Nour Eddine, the Public Prosecutor at the Court of El Oued.
  • The fourth intervention was entitled “Administrative Sanctions for Cheating Crimes in Exams” by Mr. Fradji Fawzi, the Secretary General of the Directorate of Education in El Oued.


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