Meeting of the Directorate of the University of Martyr Hamou Lkhder – El Oued

Meeting of the Directorate of the University of Martyr Hamou Lkhder – El Oued

May 29, 2023

Meeting Minutes


  • Professor Omar Farhati, Director of the University of El Oued
  • Vice-Rectors
  • Deans of Faculties
  • General Secretaries of Faculties


  1. Evaluation of the progress of the exams
  2. Review of the observations of the ministerial inventory committee
  3. National reform sessions for the higher education sector and its modernization
  4. Internships and end-of-year ceremony

Opening Remarks

Professor Omar Farhati, Director of the University of El Oued, opened the meeting and highlighted the following points:

  • The importance of evaluating the progress of the exams
  • The need to review the observations of the ministerial inventory committee
  • The importance of the national reform sessions for the higher education sector and its modernization
  • The need to finalize the arrangements for internships and the end-of-year ceremony


  • Professor Bashir Menaï, Vice-Rector for Pedagogy, gave a detailed presentation on the pedagogical aspects of the exams, including the evaluation of the progress of the classes, the exams, and the issuance of certificates.
  • Dr. Fouad Ferhat, Director of the Incubator, gave a summary of the procedures for discussing the memoranda of start-up projects, including the reception of the memoranda, the preparation of the calendar for start-ups, and the coordination with the faculties and the Director of the Incubator.
  • Mr. Chokri Medellel, Secretary General of the University, gave an update on the inventory process and highlighted the need to form a special inventory committee and to coordinate with the Directorate of Development and Foresight of the University.
  • Professor Kaddour Habib, Vice-Rector for External Relations, gave an overview of the national sessions on the reform of the higher education sector and its modernization. He highlighted the fact that the relevant committees have been established in each faculty and that workshop coordinators have been appointed.


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