A study day on entrepreneurship and emerging institutions

A study day on entrepreneurship and emerging institutions

🔵 With the participation of the Entrepreneurship House at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar in El Oued and the business incubator of the University of El Oued and under the supervision of the Entrepreneurship House #University of Continuing Training, a study day was organized on #Entrepreneurship and Emerging Institutions.

It should be noted that the study day was opened by Dr. Ammar Mostafawi, Director of the Center, and he touched on entrepreneurial thought in the university community and the role of the House of Entrepreneurship in awareness-raising operations, as well as accompanying students with ideas.

🔵 The Director of the Entrepreneurship House, Professor Dr. #Mufid_Abdelaoui, touched on “the ecosystem of emerging enterprises in Algeria” in this intervention, in which he touched on three major axes:

✅ The legal aspect of emerging enterprises;

✅ The difference between startups and small enterprises;

✅ The life cycle of startups;

✅ Support and accompaniment devices:

✔️ Automatically support small enterprises and financing methods;

✔️ Mechanisms to support emerging enterprises;

✔️ Financing through venture capital and accelerators.

🔵 In another intervention, Dr. Mohamed Fouad Farhat, Director of the University Incubator, touched on the merits of Resolution 1275 and its axes, as well as the projects framed by the University of the Valley and the training and formation processes obtained by students involved in this endeavor.

🔵 Finally, the discussion was opened, which was rich and witnessed qualitative additions by addressing points related to the topics at hand. The lecturers recommended:

✔️ The necessity of promoting this activity to a national forum;

✔️ Opening the way for an effective relationship between the university and its economic and social environment;

✔️ As well as coordination between the University of Continuing Training and the business incubator, as well as the Entrepreneurship House, through awareness days and field visits for students.


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