A joint celebration between Basmat Amal and femal University residence

A joint celebration between Basmat Amal and femal University residence

On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3, 2023, and under the slogan: ♡ Our Will Conquers Our Disability ♡, the Basmat Amal for People with Disabilities Club at the University of El Oued organized, in coordination with the Hadda Saleh University Residence, a cultural activity for people with special abilities who never cease to present the most beautiful pictures of determination and challenge. They have always remained a role model to be followed in patience and iron will. Determination, perseverance and the ability to give are drawn from them.

The activity began with verses from the Holy Quran recited by the international student from the sister country of Uzbekistan, Amina bint Rashid, followed by listening to the Algerian national anthem.

The first part of the event was a speech by the representative of the Basmat Amal Club, Maryam al-Batul Toul Toul, who congratulated this group on their international day and praised the efforts and success achieved by students with disabilities in the club and the university as a whole. She also gave a brief introduction to the club and its establishment, and highlighted its main goals and activities.

This was followed by a speech by Professor Amina Choudar, who was a guest of our club and honored our invitation directly by a lecture where she shed light on people with high abilities. Her topics focused on how Islamic law has taken care of and commended this group and how to deal with them. Some human models were also discussed as they are active people who challenged disability and left their mark immortal. The lecture concluded by mentioning the efforts made by people with disabilities in order to advance in all areas of life.

And because Palestine is dear to our hearts and its cause is our cause, we discussed what is happening now to our brothers in Gaza, asking Allah to grant them victory soon. Then, poems about the beloved Palestine were presented and some cultural questions were interspersed in this atmosphere.

Then, the participants in the cultural competition were honored and their works were displayed, which included the three genres; poetry, prose and story.

The literary competition was characterized by a spirit of competition which ended with crowning the student Chaima Khalfaoui in the first place, student Rokia Alayah in the second place, and student ٭ Mounia Harrat in the third place.

After that, all the participating students and the professor were honored.

This activity was met with great turnout from the female students.

The celebration witnessed a display of some of the works of the club members in the field of poetry, thoughts and drawing, which embodies the challenge of people with disabilities and their extraordinary abilities in overcoming the difficulties of life.


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