Launching the evaluation process for startup projects – Patent at the University of El Oued

Launching the evaluation process for startup projects – Patent at the University of El Oued

Upon to Professor Omar Ferhati, the Rector of the University, and under the supervision of Dr. Mohamed Ferhat, the Director of the Business Incubator, the evaluation process of student projects registered under Ministerial Decision 75/12 concerning “Graduation Memo for Startup – Patent” commenced today, January 29, 2023, at the Business Incubator headquarters for the University of El Oued Community. This evaluation process will span two full days.

The Rector inspected a portion of the evaluation work carried out by committees responsible for assessing student projects. It is known that these projects are candidates to become investment entities for startups, service-oriented entities, or small enterprises.

According to Dr. Mohamed Ferhat, the Director of the Business Incubator, the committees have received around 275 projects submitted by undergraduate and master’s students, under the guidance of ten committees consisting of 60 members, specialized professors with vast experience in evaluating projects across different disciplines and types. Each committee is tasked with evaluating between 20 to 70 project files after the students or project owners present their projects on the screen in front of the evaluation committees.

Below is the list of committees overseeing the evaluation process of student projects:

1- Committee for Economics, Humanities, and Social Sciences

2- Committee for Biotechnology and Health

3- Committee for Transformative Industries

4- Committee for Basic Sciences

5- Committee for Energy, Renewable Energies, and Energy Efficiency

6- Committee for Agricultural Security

7- Committee for Information Technology and Communication

8- Committee for Transportation, Construction, Planning, and Urbanism

9- Committee for Technology and Pharmaceutical Materials

10- Committee for Environment and Biology

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