The Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of El Oued honors its sports team that won the University Sports Championship 2023.

The Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of El Oued honors its sports team that won the University Sports Championship 2023.

Today, Tuesday, February 14, 2023, the Faculty of Law and Political Science held an honorary ceremony to honor the members of the college’s sports team that won the University Sports Championship, organized by the Sub-Directorate of Scientific, Cultural, and Sports Activities. The ceremony was attended by the Deputy Dean in charge of Pedagogy, Professor Faiza Jrouni, Head of the Political Science Department, Professor El Hadi Douch, General Secretary of the Faculty, Mr. Azzeddine Ghobach, and a group of university members including professors, students, staff, and workers from the Faculty of Law and Political Science.

The ceremony was opened by the Head of the Political Science Department on behalf of the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Mekki Dradji, who expressed gratitude to all the team members who won the championship as well as praised the efforts of the coach, Fouad Laïb, and the Head of the Activities Department at the Faculty, Hanine Hassani, who accompanied the team in all their matches.

The ceremony concluded with the distribution of gifts and certificates of appreciation to all team members, the coach, and the head of the department, amidst an atmosphere of joy among the Faculty of Law and Political Science community.


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