El Oued University Finds Solutions and Offers Expertise The Secretary General of the University Chairs a Meeting with Representatives of the Supreme Council of Youth in the Province to Establish Joint Model Farms

El Oued University Finds Solutions and Offers Expertise

The Secretary General of the University Chairs a Meeting with Representatives of the Supreme Council of Youth in the Province to Establish Joint Model Farms

Within the framework of what El Oued University offers and the instructions of the University Rector, Professor Omar Ferahti, that the university be useful to its economic, social, and technical environment, and the university’s goals of finding solutions and contributing to the creation of wealth and development and providing all its scientific and research expertise, and with this endeavor, and in order to establish joint model farms and at the request of the Supreme Council of Youth in the wilaya of El Oued to the University Rector for partnership and cooperation in the field of the university’s scientific and research expertise, in this project, the Secretary General of El Oued University, Dr. Chawki Medellel, chaired a meeting today, September 17, 2023, with the attendance of the Vice-Rector of the University for Development and Foresight, Professor Amar Zabi, and the Director of the Higher School of Saharan Agriculture, Professor Soufiane Sakay, and the deans of the faculties and a group of professors and researchers with members of the Supreme Council of Youth, Office of the wilaya of El Oued , represented by Ms. Chihab Ben Omar, Dr. Ayyoub Sharqi, and Mr. Fadhel Mohamed.

After an opening speech by the Secretary General of the University, in which he welcomed the attendees and presented the agenda of the meeting, which falls within the framework of consultation and coordination regarding the concerns of the youth in the wilaya and the many projects proposed by the Supreme Council of Youth, stressing that the university is ready to provide assistance to the council through the scientific and pedagogical staff and the scientific and research laboratories.

The Secretary General also gave an overview of the university’s eight faculties and their scientific and pedagogical structures and research laboratories.

The Director of the Higher School of Saharan Agriculture welcomed the idea, stressing that the school opens its doors to the ideas and projects of the council, especially with regard to the model farm and the revival of palm cultivation.

Dr. and expert Said Ghandir then gave a presentation to the attendees on the idea of the Green Crescent project in the wilaya of El Oued , and that this project is by experts and professors of the university, which is a key partner with all its researchers along with the wilaya council.

He also explained the importance of this belt, which will be from the southwestern side of the wilaya of El Oued, which is the side from which the hot winds come, and the project aims to modify the weather and climate in the wilaya, and to reduce the amount of water used, which has become an environmental threat in the wilaya, and to revive the cultivation of palm trees and fruit trees, and it has a vision from the economic side that touches the tourism side and investment in it.

The distinguished student Nadhir Gaid, the owner of the smart farm project at El Oued University, then gave a presentation, where he explained the goals of his project and the problem of the decline in agricultural production at the level of the wilaya in the exploited agricultural areas.

Mr. Mohamed Fadhel, a member of the Supreme Council of Youth, then gave a presentation on the municipalities that have agreed to grant and provide agricultural land plots to young people who want to establish model farms. These municipalities are Taghzut, El Megharen, El Nekhla, and Talbi Larbi. He mentioned that the members of the council had a meeting with the Minister of Agriculture regarding the provision and support of young people who will be granted these model farms.

The deans and professors and researchers then opened the discussion on proposals and finding solutions and the effectiveness of the implementation.

The Secretary General and the Vice-Rector for Development and Foresight confirmed the university’s readiness to help the members of the council and to embody their ideas and accompany them in the implementation of the mentioned projects. A committee was also allocated to follow up on the model farm project proposed by the Supreme Council of Youth and University of  El Oued .

source: https://www.univ-eloued.dz/solutions-provides/

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